
“The Dead Hand” is a well-documented narrative abt the terrifying doomsday competition between two superpowers. http://dld.bz/HXRm Pulitzer
"#Hydra is one animal that may be practically immortal." [Jonathan Weiner, Long for this World] Death Nonfiction Book http://dld.bz/KfRt
Having kids too soon limits professional potential. [Richard Settersten, Barbara E. Ray: Not Quite Adults] http://dld.bz/HCAE parenting
Nobody thinks abt backing up data. Nobody thinks abt what will happen to their Facebook accnt when they die http://dld.bz/Fshp digitalafter
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
Rumsfeld fires back that the secretary of State had once been "the most senior military officer in our country" and n.. http://dld.bz/K9cd
Peggy Orenstein: Cinderella Ate My Daughter: "Perhaps you are no picturing poor, hapless girls who are submissive..." http://dld.bz/MYhU
You should care about the greater cosmos and its nature. [Brian Greene: The Hidden Reality] http://dld.bz/H4Pb cosmology nonfiction books
".. a British doctor hypothesized that the excess of stimulus produced by reading novels affects the organs.." Books http://bit.ly/hVqU2s
Right now our national debt payment is erasing money from programs that vulnerable populations desperately need! http://dld.bz/JjaP @EconUS
The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all ethnic traditions. [Karen Armstrong: A Compassionate Life] http://dld.bz/HtCM pain
Joshua Foer: "Usually prescribed to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity.." [Moonwalking with Einstein] Science Books http://dld.bz/PMKK
Russell Simmons: "... take inventory and you get to see your thoughts for..." [Super Rich] Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/NjvW
Eduardo Porter: .. relative costs and benefits open to them determine their behavior. [#Price.. Everything] Economics http://dld.bz/K7ZA
When we go beyond our likes and dislikes, our sense of self grows. [Karen Armstrong: 12 Steps To A Compassionate Life] http://dld.bz/HtCM
Peter Bergen: "... Al ­Qaeda’s aspirations and its #9/11 attack, the Bush administration’s panicky..." [The Longest War] http://dld.bz/N2zp
Sherry Turkle: ...the use of robotic baby seals in nursing homes for companionship. [Alone Together] @Honda @Microsoft http://dld.bz/JJWm
Geoffrey Nunberg: Politicians replaced "nigger" in public discourse w/ words like "welfare queen." [The Way We Talk Now] http://dld.bz/JgwB
@NASA @NSF @WiredScience The calculation also takes into account the relative proportion of dark energy in the Universe. http://dld.bz/HDrF
"... start writing his own book, bout being a colored..." [Kathryn Stockett: The Help] Fiction http://dld.bz/N9PV
Friedman: "This country's indebtedness does not reduce its ability to affect the international system." [The Next Decade] http://dld.bz/NsTe
Amy Chua explains how she tried to raise her two daughters the same way her strict... [Stephen Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
The discovery in 1998 that the Universe is actually speeding up its expansion was a total shock. [dark energy] http://dld.bz/HDrF @NASA @NPR
"Have a little pecker pie, nigger? Come on, get you some pecker pie!" [Kathryn Stockett: The Help] Fiction Books http://dld.bz/N9PV
From Confucius to @Oprah, people have preached compassion for centuries [Karen Armstrong: A Compassionate Life] http://dld.bz/HtCM
George W. Bush's writing is so evocative, Stephen feels like he's right there holding that.. [#Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Evgeny Morozov: The Net Delusion: [Policymakers should not pay much attention to @Facebook-based activism..] Books http://dld.bz/NdXf
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
Artisanal food organizations must not try to replace skilled labor with capital. [Michael Pollan: The Omnivore's Dilemma] http://dld.bz/HfH5
"Students who spend more time in fraternities and sororities learn less." [Academically Adrift] Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/NBqm
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
Amy Chua on the Colbert Report the other week. Books Nonfiction Parents Chinese http://dld.bz/NJXt
"The myth of young old age is the logical outgrowth of another American myth." [Never Say Die] Ageism Books http://dld.bz/PNvv
David Hoffman: ... the USSR's shooting down of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in 1983. [The Dead Hand] @KremlinRussia http://dld.bz/HXRf
.. every source of food waste, from how it is picked, purchased, and tossed.. [Jonathan Bloom: American Wasteland] http://dld.bz/K9QG
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
Mark Zuckerberg, ".. real honour and recognition of how our little team is building something that hundreds of .." http://dld.bz/KyK3
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
Peter H. Gleick: "... about the taste of water and the profit opportunities in offering expensive..." [Bottled and Sold] http://dld.bz/Nt5S
The story of 20-somethings that aren’t quite adults is a middleclass story. [Not Quite Adults] http://dld.bz/HCAE parenting kids young
Malcolm Gladwell: Outliers: ".. measure of how deeply we associate success with the efforts of .." Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/MVcG
Sherry Turkle: We've come to confuse continual connectivity with making real connections. [Alone Together] @TEDchris @OM http://dld.bz/JJWm
The U.S. Constitution has been turned into "soft elastic." Economics Politics @WSJ @NPR [The New Empire of Debt] http://dld.bz/JjaP
"Moonwalking with Einstein" describes Foer's journey as a journalist to becoming a national champion mnemonist. Books http://dld.bz/PMKK
Stephen Baker: "... the discussion boiled down to how human Watson should be." [Final Jeopardy] @IBM Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/NrxD
".. many of the women I interviewed still insist Friedan saved their sanity.." [A Strange Stirring] Feminism Books http://dld.bz/PvtE
George Friedman: "Great powers do not decline b/c of debt, but because of wars." [The Next Decade] http://dld.bz/NsTe
Tim Wu, The Master Switch: [having the government run the business presents its own problems] Singularity Technology http://dld.bz/JJWm
Malcolm Gladwell: Outliers: That's on par with Bill gates getting unlimited access to a time-share... Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/MVcG
"#Child advocacy centers just didn't exist then." [Scott Brown: Against All Odds] Abuse Memoirs @MarkUdall http://dld.bz/NAtT


What do you feel are the most pressing issues facing America's economy? [#Economics in America] http://dld.bz/JjaP @EconDebates @EconUS
@Sprint @Samsung Galaxy Tab Price Drops to $299 at @BestBuy http://dld.bz/F8yq Samsung Galaxy Tab
"It's surprising how unformed young people's plans about college really are." [Not Quite Adults] Parenting Books http://dld.bz/HCAE
Mike Huckabee: ".. I feel homosexuality is an aberrant, unnatural, and sinful lifestyle." [A Simple Government] Books http://dld.bz/PBaT
Feminists and anti-feminists alike often attribute their own.. women’s movement to Friedan. [A Strange Stirring] Books http://dld.bz/PvtE
Maryn McKenna: MRSA puts 369,000 in the hospital annually [Superbug] @Health Medicine http://dld.bz/JgwB
Mike Huckabee: "#Jesus was too smart to ever run for public office." [A Simple Government] Politics Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/PBaT
The cornucopia of modern American supermarkets, fast-food joints confront us with a bewildering food landscape. http://dld.bz/HfH5
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
Armstrong is a sublime synthesizer of the world’s faiths. [12 Steps To A Compassionate Life] http://dld.bz/HtCM global community
No one can explain dark energy’s detailed properties. [Brian Greene: The Hidden Reality] http://dld.bz/H4Pb cosmology physics science
Workers learned that the Powerful in the country did not care much for labor unions. [.. Power in a Union] Books http://dld.bz/PD7q
The larger the universe is, the better it can masquerade as a world that’s infinite. [Brian Greene: The Hidden Reality] http://dld.bz/H4Pb
Michio Kaku: "Advances in metamaterials are forcing a major revision of optics.." [#Physics of the Impossible] http://dld.bz/PQUN
Most young people aren't sure at age 18, 20, 22 of what they want to do in life." [Not Quite Adults] Parenting Books http://dld.bz/HCAE
Stephanie Coontz: "#Women's problems were social, not personal, in origin." [A Strange Stirring] Feminism Books http://dld.bz/PvtE
Malcolm Gladwell: Outliers: ..imagine if you had a day in the middle of August where the temperature fell below freezing. http://dld.bz/MVcG
"Bush didn't cotton to the idea," Rumsfeld writes in his yet-to-be-released memoir Known and Unknown, excerpts of which.. http://dld.bz/K9cd
Malcolm Gladwell: Outliers: There is an easy way to test this theory. When was Bill Gates born? Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/MVcG
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
.. the trajectory of America's food from gathering to garbage bin.. [Jonathan Bloom: American Wasteland] @fandw http://dld.bz/K9QG
Michael Lewis explains how Wall Street got so good at disguising bad loans that they bo... [Stephen Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Emily Lambert: The Futures: In order to stay solvent, @CMEGroup began trading in pork bellies. @CNBC @NYTimesBusiness http://dld.bz/Jxnk
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
Teresa Wu, Serena Wu: "With a 75% Asian student body, our school was a hotbed of Science Bowl nerds." [My Mom is a Fob] http://dld.bz/NjvW
Tim Wu, The Master Switch: [AT&T had the power to quash the answering machine, which, a Bell Labs engineer invented] http://dld.bz/JJWm
We can’t “see” the strings that are talked about in string theory. [Brian Greene: The Hidden Reality] http://dld.bz/H4Pb universe cosmos
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
Eventually, matter has to repeat itself and arrange itself in similar ways. [Brian Greene: The Hidden Reality] http://dld.bz/H4Pb cosmos
Steven Solomon: "Water has always been man's most indispensable natural resource." [Water] Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/Nu4U
Paul Krugman is asking if Europe can be saved; talks with Terry Gross. [@NPRFreshAir Books] http://dld.bz/JgwB Economics
The Net Delusion: "... election protesters in Iran were able to tweet, blog and record the violence they saw..." Books http://dld.bz/NdXf
It’s accurate to picture the entirety of space continually shrinking. [Brian Greene: The Hidden Reality] http://dld.bz/H4Pb cosmology
Compassion isn't a very popular virtue. [Karen Armstrong: 12 Steps To A Compassionate Life] http://dld.bz/HtCM love pain community
Anand Giridharadas: "We were raised with an Indian docility." [#India Calling] Memoirs Biographies Books Race http://dld.bz/P3zA
Evgeny Morozov: The Net Delusion: @Facebook will not save you... Iran Egypt Books http://dld.bz/NdXf
.. there's something to associating unfinished food with hunger, morally.. [#American Wasteland] @AndrewOKnowlton http://dld.bz/K9QG
V. S. Ramachandran has written several books about unlocking the mysteries of the human brain. [The Tell-Tale Brain] http://dld.bz/Nh9v
Tim Wu, The Master Switch: [If we believe in liberty, it must be freedom from both private and public coercion] http://dld.bz/JJWm
Students whose classes reflect high expectations gained more than other students. [Academically Adrift] Books http://dld.bz/NBqm
Peter H. Gleick: "Celebrities tout their current favorite brands of bottled water." [Bottled and Sold] http://dld.bz/Nt5S
Mr. Hoffman details how truly paranoid the Soviets were that America would launch an unprovoked nuclear attack. http://dld.bz/HXRf Pulitzer
Philip K. Howard believes America's current political system .. things that aren't relevant. [Daily Show Books 2011] http://dld.bz/P6wd
.. I hear the driver say, "I don't know, some nigger got shot." [Kathryn Stockett: The Help] Fiction Books http://dld.bz/N9PV
Nancy Marie Brown: Islamic Spain was an extraordinarily tolerant culture. [#Abacus and the Cross] @news_va_en @DalaiLama http://dld.bz/Ktxg
Ray Kurzweil: ... we could assign a measure of economic success.[The Singularity Is Near] @singularitys @humanityplus http://dld.bz/JJWm
Devra Davis: "Could cell phones be unsafe?" [Disconnect] Radiation Books http://dld.bz/PtjN
"There was no need to construct a myth about the vitality and independence of the very old.." [Never Say Die] Books http://dld.bz/PNvv
Artisanal food organizations must not try to replace skilled labor with capital. [Michael Pollan: The Omnivore's Dilemma] http://dld.bz/HfH5
Stephen Baker: "... the discussion boiled down to how human Watson should be." [Final Jeopardy] @IBM Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/NrxD
Classical liberalism places the freedom of the individual at the center of political concern. [#Economics in America] http://dld.bz/JjaP
E. Porter: Norwegians are willing to pay $114 a ton for somebody else to sort their recyclables. [#Price of Everything] http://dld.bz/K7ZA
Brian Greene: ".. the quantum properties of black holes." [The Hidden Reality] Books Science http://dld.bz/H4Pb
Devra Davis: "Could cell phones be unsafe?" [Disconnect] Radiation Books http://dld.bz/PtjN
Cornel West wants the love to flow so that poor people will have the same dignity as investment bankers [#Colbert Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Anand Giridharadas: "India was erupting in dreams." [#India Calling] Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/P3zA
Neurologist and writer Oliver Sacks writes about being diagnosed with a rare eye tumor. [@NPRFreshAir Books] http://dld.bz/JgwB
Philip Dray: ".. an advance of food for the poorest families.." [There is Power in a Union] http://dld.bz/PD7q
Edward Glaeser: "... you don’t have to leave Paris to get a great education in France."[Triumph of the City] Cities http://dld.bz/NqHC
"#Child advocacy centers just didn't exist then." [Scott Brown: Against All Odds] Abuse Memoirs Boston http://dld.bz/NAtT
"The attention given to these success stories of students w/ graduate degrees masks a harsher reality." [Not.. Adults] http://dld.bz/HCAE
Tim Wu, The Master Switch: [The Internet started as a Defense Department project.] @Google @Facebook @Microsoft http://dld.bz/JJWm


More than half of the voting-age population in the Philippines vote based on what they read online. Politics Elections http://dld.bz/JpRu
According to Reza Aslan, Muslims have decided, in their secret .. democracy through art. [#Colbert Report Books] @BW http://dld.bz/NJXt
Robert B. Reich: Unemployment is not a moral failing. [Aftershock] @TheEconomist @Harvard @Stanford @WSJ Finance @WSJ http://dld.bz/JjaP
David Hoffman: The '98 crash helped the ascent of Vladimir Putin who eventually moved to crush Russian oligarchs. @NPR http://dld.bz/Jxnk
"Technological singularity" reflects the idea that such change may happen suddenly... @SingularityGD @futurerobotic http://dld.bz/JJWm
Cornel West wants the love to flow so that poor people will have the same dignity as investment bankers [#Colbert Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Steven Solomon: "Failure to maintain waterworks has been a telltale sign of a society in decline." [Water] Books http://dld.bz/Nu4U
"Students whose classes reflect high expectations learned more." [Academically Adrift] University @NPR @NYT http://dld.bz/NBqm
Jonathan Alter: "From the start Obama was boxed in not only by the mess that Bush left him.." [The Promise] Books http://dld.bz/P6DR
@NASA @NSF @WiredScience The calculation also takes into account the relative proportion of dark energy in the Universe. http://dld.bz/HDrF
Steven Solomon: "Failure to maintain waterworks has been a telltale sign of a society in stagnation." [Water] Books http://dld.bz/Nu4U
“The Dead Hand” is a well-documented narrative abt the terrifying doomsday competition between two superpowers. http://dld.bz/HXRm Pulitzer
Naomi Klein: "He observed that only a crisis (actual or perceived) produces real change." [The Shock Doctrine] Books http://dld.bz/PsPb
String theory attempts to reconcile a mathematical conflict between quantum mechanics and relativity. [Brian Greene] http://dld.bz/H4Pb
Peggy Orenstein: Cinderella Ate My Daughter ".. for $2,000 Ultimate Supreme Prize at the State Beauty Pageant.." Book http://dld.bz/MYhU
"I didn't know what to do, so I screamed." [Scott Brown: Against All Odds] Abuse Memoirs Books http://dld.bz/NAtT
"We will soon create intelligences greater than our own..." [The Technological Singularity Debate] @lifeboathq http://dld.bz/JJWm
Eduardo Porter: The price of garbage provides a guide to civilization. [#Price of Everything] @FT @BW @WSJ Nonfiction http://dld.bz/K7ZA
Jonathan Alter: "#Obama didn't have any choice.. He'd have to clean up after the elephants." [The Promise] GOP Books http://dld.bz/P6DR
Another explanation for dark energy is that it is a new kind of dynamical energy fluid or field. @NASA @NSF @SciFri http://dld.bz/HDrF
Living at home is a way for young people to retain stability at a critical life-stage. [Not Quite Adults] http://dld.bz/HCAE parenting
Technological singularity is a hypothetical event; technological progress makes the future unpredictable. @singularitys http://dld.bz/JJWm
Students whose classes reflect high expectations gained more than other students. [Academically Adrift] Books http://dld.bz/NBqm
You should care about the greater cosmos and its nature. [Brian Greene: The Hidden Reality] http://dld.bz/H4Pb cosmology nonfiction books
The question of whether the Universe itself is flat remains a debatable topic. @NYTimesScience [dark energy] http://dld.bz/HDrF
Gideon Rachman: .. technology as a force driving forward prosperity, democracy and globalization. [#Zero-Sum Future] http://dld.bz/KkVU
Rumsfeld replied: "You go to war with the army you have." [Known and Unknown] @BlueStarFamily http://dld.bz/K9cd
Nobody thinks abt backing up data. Nobody thinks abt what will happen to their Facebook accnt when they die http://dld.bz/Fshp digitalafter
E. Morozov: The Net Delusion: [The Stork Fountain was made famous thanks to a @Facebook experiment.] Copenhagen Books http://dld.bz/NdXf
N. Klein: "#Friedman advised Pinochet to impose a rapid-fire transformation of the economy." [#Shock Doctrine] Books http://dld.bz/PsPb
Stephanie Coontz: "Traditional marriage has varied immensely from society to society.." [A Strange Stirring] Books http://dld.bz/PvtE
Read Interesting Books- ".. men have become a minority within the reading public .. " http://dld.bz/PBUu-
The Federal deficits are closing down welfare programs for the particularly vulnerable, at the worst possible time: http://dld.bz/JjaP
Sherry Turkle: we seem content with treating each other as things. [Alone Together] Technology Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/JJWm
Until d fruits of the economy r more broadly shared the middle class will lack the buying power to restart this economy. http://dld.bz/JjaP
Barack Obama: "In the end, I suppose that's what all the stories of my father were really about." [Dreams from My Father] http://dld.bz/N3KY
Mr. Hoffman is a contributing editor @WASHINGTONPOST and a Pulitzer Prize Winner. http://dld.bz/HXRf Nonfiction History Books
Hoffman: ... Reagan’s unshakable devotion to the Strategic Defense Initiative, "Star Wars." @KremlinRussia [Dead Hand] http://dld.bz/HXRf
Jonathan Weiner: founders of modern science hoped to solve the problem of mortality. [Long for This World] Immortality http://dld.bz/KfRt
Students whose classes reflect high expectations grew more than other students. [Academically Adrift] Nonfiction http://dld.bz/NBqm
David Hoffman: The '98 crash helped the ascent of Vladimir Putin who eventually moved to crush Russian oligarchs. @NPR http://dld.bz/Jxnk
Right now our national debt payment is erasing money from programs that vulnerable populations desperately need! http://dld.bz/JjaP @EconUS
Sherry Turkle doesn't want to get rid of technology, but she thinks it's time to put it.. [#Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
.. approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs could not continue.. http://dld.bz/JJWm
Stephen asks Stephen Sondheim if there ... finishes "Send in the Clowns" with his own lyrics. [#Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Stephanie Coontz: "We've seen love in the @WhiteHouse before, but in many cases it was the.." [A Strange Stirring] Books http://dld.bz/PvtE
.. who has kept a low profile since resigning in 2006, uses the book to renew his long-running feud.. [Donald Rumsfeld] http://dld.bz/K9cd
Those key differences were never clearly or firmly resolved in the NSC. [Donald Rumsfeld] Nonfiction Military Books http://dld.bz/K9cd
Barack Obama: "But as long as I wasn't shaken by the political chatter, I had the time to work through all these issu..." http://dld.bz/KfxP
Say what you want about China's economy; they don't have any debts. Well, just ours! [Economics in America] http://dld.bz/JjaP @EconUS @NYT
Students that spend more time studying in peer groups see diminishing gains .. [Academically Adrift] Higher Education http://dld.bz/NBqm
@Sprint @Samsung Galaxy Tab Price Drops to $299 at @BestBuy http://dld.bz/F8yq Samsung Galaxy Tab
J. Alter: "#Obama thought he could simultaneously transform the long 'arc' of American politics.." [The Promise] Books http://dld.bz/P6DR
Another explanation for dark energy is that it is a new kind of dynamical energy fluid or field. @NASA @NSF @SciFri http://dld.bz/HDrF
".. in neglecting the valuable history of unions we risk losing something worthwhile in ourselves." [#Power in a Union] http://dld.bz/PD7q
Evgeny Morozov: The Net Delusion: ... thousands of young Iranians — smartphones in their hands — poured into... Books http://dld.bz/NdXf
Long-term unemployment is at a post-#Depression high. [#Economics in America] http://dld.bz/JjaP @EconUS @nytimesbusiness @planetmoney
Voters in Idaho are eager to share their political views online. @Pew_Internet @NYT Blogs @IDAHOgov @IdahoStatesman http://dld.bz/JpRu
S. Solomon: "Through the centuries, societies have struggled politically to control the world's water wealth." [#Water] http://dld.bz/Nu4U
Nobody thinks abt backing up data. Nobody thinks abt what will happen to their Facebook accnt when they die http://dld.bz/Fshp digitalafter
Sherry Turkle: Alone Together: In this environment there is a sudden, almost compelled need not to feel alone. @BillGates http://dld.bz/JJWm
Devra Davis: "Science and scientists follow fads and fashions." [Disconnect] Cell Phone Radiation Books http://dld.bz/PtjN
Barack Obama: "She's wise that way, my grandmother, suspicious of overwrought sentiments..." [Dreams from My Father] http://dld.bz/N3KY
Barack Obama: "Why didn't my father return?" [Dreams from My Father] http://dld.bz/N3KY
Jonathan Alter says @BarackObama has struggled to connect with the American public, yet he's .. [Daily Show Authors] http://dld.bz/PwcN
"#Parents of treaders are not necessarily uninvolved." [Not Quite Adults] Parenting Books http://dld.bz/HCAE
In the course of "Known and Unknown" Rumsfeld tells the reader he regrets not resigning in the wake of the Abu Ghraib... http://dld.bz/K9cd
Robert Reich: When wealth and capital aren't distributed properly, demand can't possibly keep things moving. [Aftershock] http://dld.bz/JjaP
Eric Kandel: ".. to understand the biological nature of learning.." [Charlie Rose Books] Brain Mind http://dld.bz/PCZC
Mike Huckabee: "..ask me as a taxpayer to support it or to endorse it, then it becomes.." [A Simple Government] Books http://dld.bz/PBaT
Peter Bergen: "... bin Laden had dispatched dozens of suicide operatives for attacks against the U.S." [The Longest War] http://dld.bz/N2zp
Preston Pysh receives the single highest honor a member of the military can receive... [Stephen Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
As the power of China and India increases, how will their behavior change? [The Future of American Power] @UN @POLITICO http://dld.bz/KkVU
Jonathan Alter: "They largely left the battles of 2009 to Obama." [The Promise] Politics Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/P6DR
"Students whose classes reflect high expectations learned more." [Academically Adrift] University @NPR @NYT http://dld.bz/NBqm


All incarnations of energy with negative pressure are called dark energy. http://dld.bz/HDrF cosmology @SciFri @NYTimesScience @NASA @NSF
Naomi Klein: ".. perfecting this strategy: waiting for a crisis, then selling off pieces .." [The Shock Doctrine] Books http://dld.bz/PsPb
Classical liberalism places the freedom of the individual at the center of political concern. [#Economics in America] http://dld.bz/JjaP
The richest Americans have so much money that it's inevitable that they'd have to turn toward very risky speculation. http://dld.bz/JjaP
Jonathan Alter: Obama ".. took action to prevent another Great Depression." [The Promise] Economics Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/P6DR
"The Singularity will allow us to transcend these limitations of our biological bodies and brains..." @neurotechfuture http://dld.bz/JJWm
Eduardo Porter: She has little choice but to risk her own health for clothing.. [#Price of Everything] Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/K7ZA
Nancy Marie Brown: Mathematics ranked among the highest forms of worship. [The Abacus and the Cross] Science Religion http://dld.bz/Ktxg
Mark Zuckerberg, "We're the sixth most trafficked site and we can't seem to get our act together." @Facebook @CNBC @NPR http://dld.bz/Jxnk
Nancy Marie Brown: To teach reading and writing, the monks used the Psalms. [Abacus and the Cross] Science Religion http://dld.bz/Ktxg
Sherry Turkle: “We expect more from technology and less from each other.” [#Alone Together] @BW @rushkoff @singularityu http://dld.bz/JJWm
The Hubble telescope have reached a consensus on the amount of dark energy that is permeating space. [Brian Greene] http://dld.bz/H4Pb
Steven Solomon: "Failure to maintain waterworks has been a telltale sign of a society in stagnation." [Water] Books http://dld.bz/Nu4U