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Naomi Klein: ".. perfecting this strategy: waiting for a crisis, then selling off pieces .." [The Shock Doctrine] Books http://dld.bz/PsPb
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Nunberg is a language and computer technology researcher. [The Way We Talk Now] @NPR English @NYT @HouseDemocrats http://dld.bz/JgwB
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Laura Ingraham: "President Obama takes a different track." [The Obama Diaries] Books http://dld.bz/RVp4
Amy Chua explains how she tried to raise her two daughters the same way her strict... [Stephen Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
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In the late 90s it was suggested that grey dust could have been ejected from galaxies at early times. [dark energy] http://dld.bz/HDrF @NSF


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Susan Jacoby: ".. the myth of 'older is wiser' interferes with the work that needs to be done.." [Never Say Die] Books http://dld.bz/PNvv
Jennifer Ackerman: Dietary supplements makers can make outlandish claims without being held accountable. [#Ah-Choo!] http://dld.bz/JgwB
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Susan Jacoby: ".. as opposed to the myth of generational closeness." [Never Say Die] Ageism Important Books http://dld.bz/PNvv
Barack Obama: "Why didn't my father return?" [Dreams from My Father] http://dld.bz/N3KY
.. it was the shock of Tienanmen Square that freed the Communist hand to convert China into a sprawling export zone.. http://dld.bz/PsPb
Bill Bryson tells the history of the world by questioning the common things we .."At Home." [#Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
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Naomi Klein: ... the tyranny of the status quo... [The Shock Doctrine] Economics Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/PsPb
Geoffrey Nunberg: "At their conventions, the @GOP refer to themselves as the party of Lincoln." [The Way We Talk Now] http://dld.bz/JgwB
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Dark energy appears to hv been in place w/ its defining characteristic (negative pressure) for at least 9 billion years. http://dld.bz/HDrF
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Philip Freeman: "Patrick was led away as a slave.." [St. Patrick of Ireland] St. Patrick's Day Books http://dld.bz/Rm2f
Gary Vaynerchuk: ".. strangers and friends alike were expected to treat each other .." [The Thank You Economy] Books http://dld.bz/PZQC
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P. Freeman: "#Patrick's Latin name implies nobility of the patrician class." [St. Patrick of Ireland] Books StPattys http://dld.bz/Rm2f
Jonathan Alter says Barack Obama has struggled to connect with the American public, yet he's .. [Daily Show Authors] http://dld.bz/PwcN
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Obama: "So that you need not guess at what troubles me, it's on the nightly news for all to see." [Dreams from My Father] http://dld.bz/N3KY
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Michael Scheuer: "#Al-Zawahiri was unable to raise any significant amount of money.." [Osama Bin Laden] Books binLaden http://dld.bz/QPDN
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Content Outsourcing: Since LinkVana is dedicated to your personal time management, we have included an outsourcing .. http://dld.bz/QjUP
Geoffrey Nunberg may have the best ear in America for listening to how the English language is changing. @NPRFreshAir http://dld.bz/JgwB
Joshua Foer: "A musician told me he finds it harder to make mental leaps on the drug." [Moonwalking with Einstein] Books http://dld.bz/PMKK
Michael Scheuer: "..spreading out US military, intelligence forces to the point where.." [#Osama Bin Laden] Books http://dld.bz/QPDN
Susan Jacoby: "The reality of generational estrangement and mobility.." [Never Say Die] Ageism Books http://dld.bz/PNvv
Claire Dederer: Poser: My Life in 23 Yoga Poses: "All the moms I knew lived by this set of rules." Parenting Books http://dld.bz/Pssq
Amy Chua explains how she tried to raise her two daughters the same way her strict... [Stephen Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Jennifer Ackerman: "9 days of isolation in a hotel room w a nasty case of flu will net you $1,750 as a research subject." http://dld.bz/JgwB
Kaku: ".. a machine that could quite possibly threaten our very existence." [#Physics of the Future] Science Books http://dld.bz/PQ9C
Bing West: "@BarackObama scoffed at the idea that terrorists should be read their Miranda.." [The Wrong War] Books http://dld.bz/PT6y
Laura Ingraham: "Unfortunately for Americans, the leader of the United States and his ..." [The Obama Diaries] Books http://dld.bz/RVp4
Gary Vaynerchuk: ".. there was no need to encourage people to buy local." [The Thank You Economy] Business Books http://dld.bz/PZQC
Nunberg never fails to reveal some bit of history embedded in language. [The Way We Talk Now] @NYT @NPR @BBC @WSJ http://dld.bz/JgwB
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Brian Greene: ".. the word relegates our universe to membership in a large, perhaps.." [The Hidden Reality] Books http://dld.bz/RVp4
Evgeny Morozov: ".. pronouncing the death of distance was premature." [The Net Delusion] Internet Books Politics @NPR http://dld.bz/RfZP
Rumsfeld replied: "You go to war with the army you have." [Known and Unknown] @OregonGuard http://dld.bz/K9cd
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Claire Dederer: Poser: My Life in 23 Yoga Poses: "We wanted a kind of moral cleanliness .." Books http://dld.bz/Pssq
After Paul Clemens spent a year watching men disassemble a Detroit stamping plant, he discovered .. [Daily Show Authors] http://dld.bz/PwcN
Neurologist and writer Oliver Sacks has spent his career examining patients struggling to survive with Parkinson's. @NYT http://dld.bz/JgwB
M. Scheuer: "..#binLaden's plan to knock US props from under Mubarak's regime." [Osama Bin Laden] Books Biographies http://dld.bz/QPDN
Bing West: "President @BarackObama issued no understandable policy, the Congress dodged.." [The Wrong War] Books http://dld.bz/PT6y
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What if we were being fooled by the supernovae into only thinking there were dark energy? http://dld.bz/HDrF cosmology @SciFri @NASA @NSF
Kaku: ".. a machine that could quite possibly threaten our very existence." [#Physics of the Future] Science Books http://dld.bz/PQ9C
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Gary Vaynerchuk: "..the currency of caring, and the power of word of mouth." [The Thank You Economy] Books http://dld.bz/PZQC
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The results suggest that the Universe is made up of about 70% dark energy. http://dld.bz/HDrF @NASA @NSF @WiredScience @NYTimesScience
Stacy Schiff describes Cleopatra's appearance and her suicide after the death of Mark Antony. [Daily Show Books 2011] http://dld.bz/P6wd
Neurologist Oliver Sacks has spent his career examining patients struggling to survive with phantom-limb syndrome. http://dld.bz/JgwB
Brian Greene: "..#string theory has yet to make definitive predictions." [The Hidden Reality] Books http://dld.bz/RVp4
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Domain Age (some of our sites are over 6 years old): Linkvana http://dld.bz/QjUP
Mike Huckabee: "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?" [A Simple Government] Books http://dld.bz/PBaT
Geoffrey Nunberg: "At their conventions, the @GOP refer to themselves as the party of Lincoln." [The Way We Talk Now] http://dld.bz/JgwB
Brian Greene: "..#string theory has yet to make definitive predictions." [The Hidden Reality] Books http://dld.bz/RVp4
Donald Rumsfeld: "For the past six years, I have had the opportunity and, I would say, the.." [Known and Unknown] Books http://dld.bz/PZBQ
Geoffrey Nunberg: The n-word seems to be all over the place again. [The Way We Talk Now] @NPR @NYT @BBC nigger http://dld.bz/JgwB
Peter Bergen: ".. he dispatched a messenger to Afghanistan to warn Osama bin Laden about the exact.." [The Longest War] http://dld.bz/N2zp
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Feminists believe that Friedan was more influential and radical than it actually was. [A Strange Stirring] Books http://dld.bz/PvtE
Barack Obama: ... the children were chanting: "Nigger lover!" "Dirty Yankee!" "Nigger lover!" [Dreams from My Father] http://dld.bz/N3KY
Eric Kandel: ".. to understand the biological nature of learning.." [Charlie Rose Books] Brain Mind http://dld.bz/PCZC
Michael Specter: "Denialists draw direct relationships where none exist." [#Denialism] Books http://dld.bz/RVp4
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Eric Kandel: ".. to understand the biological nature of the limits of free will.." [Charlie Rose Books] Brain Mind http://dld.bz/PCZC
Laura Ingraham: "If you really want to roll back the Obama agenda, you must understand..." [The Obama Diaries] Books http://dld.bz/RVp4
Allison Stanger: "After decades of privatization, the U.S. federal government is .." [One Nation Under Contract] Books http://dld.bz/Q8Ee
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Bing West: "#Obama scoffed at the idea that terrorists should be read their Miranda rights.." [The Wrong War] Books http://dld.bz/PT6y
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Stephen informs Bernard-Henri Levy that Americans think of public intellectualizing the.. [Stephen Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Michael Specter: "Denialists draw direct relationships where none exist." [#Denialism] Books http://dld.bz/RVp4
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"These rapists were proud fathers who would have laid down their lives to protect their own.." [Sex and War] Books http://dld.bz/StP8
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In "The Mind's Eye," Oliver Sacks looks at how blind people use other senses. [@NPRFreshAir Books] http://dld.bz/JgwB
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Eric Kandel: ".. understanding the biological nature of the human mind." [Charlie Rose Books] Brain Science http://dld.bz/PCZC
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Laird Hamilton discusses the most dangerous thing in the ocean and the plus side of global ... [#Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
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Michael Scheuer: "The sources of his money are simply too redundant and beyond our reach.." [Osama BinLaden] Books http://dld.bz/QPDN
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Susan Jacoby: ".. as opposed to the myth of generational closeness." [Never Say Die] Ageism Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/PNvv
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Claire Dederer: Poser: My Life in 23 Yoga Poses: "We wanted a kind of moral cleanliness .." Books http://dld.bz/Pssq
Geoffrey Nunberg: Politicians replaced "nigger" in public discourse w/ words like "welfare queen." [The Way We Talk Now] http://dld.bz/JgwB
Mike Huckabee believes there aren't nearly enough potential presidential .. for Fox News. [#Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Brian Greene: "..#string theory has yet to make definitive predictions." [The Hidden Reality] Books http://dld.bz/RVp4


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Joshua Foer: "As an experiment, I decided to take Adderall for a week." [#Moonwalking with Einstein] Science Books http://dld.bz/PMKK
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Laird Hamilton discusses the most dangerous thing in the ocean and the plus side of global ... [#Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Had the government of Saddam Hussein remained in power the Middle East would be.. [Donald Rumsfeld: Known and Unknown] http://dld.bz/K9cd
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Obama: "That my father looked nothing like the people around me barely registered in my mind." [Dreams from My Father] http://dld.bz/N3KY
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The results suggest that the Universe is made up of about 70% dark energy. http://dld.bz/HDrF @NASA @NSF @WiredScience @NYTimesScience
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Had the government of Saddam Hussein remained in power the Middle East would be.. [Donald Rumsfeld: Known and Unknown] http://dld.bz/K9cd
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Laura Ingraham: "Inside might have been @BarackObama jaunting off somewhere for the ..." [The Obama Diaries] Books http://dld.bz/RVp4
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Dark energy now dominates the universe even though it was a tiny contributor 13.7 billion years ago. http://dld.bz/HDrF cosmology @SciFri
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Coontz: "That same flair for drama allowed Friedan to anticipate Oprah and Bill Clinton.." [A Strange Stirring] Books http://dld.bz/PvtE
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Paul Offit believes the visibility of the smallpox vaccination scar during swimsuit sea.. [Stephen Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
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Cornel West wants the love to flow so that poor people will have the same dignity as investment bankers [#Colbert Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
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McGuire: ".. employ the charge of rape in order to attack Negro people." [At the Dark End of the Street] Racism Books http://dld.bz/Qbz3
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I used the phrase in a Pentagon press conference one day, and that's when.. [Donald Rumsfeld] @pentagonchannel http://dld.bz/K9cd
Bing West: ".. the top-tier terrorists with deep pockets and contacts in Saudi Arabia and.." [The Wrong War] Books http://dld.bz/PT6y
Stephen Colbert announces a recall of "I Eat America (And So Can You!)" due to a production error beyond his control. http://dld.bz/NJXt
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Pre-1990s, "it was always thought that the only place where MRSA was successful in attacking people was in hospitals." http://dld.bz/JgwB
Danielle McGuire: ".. defense of white womanhood and their manipulation.." [At the Dark End of the Street] Racism Books http://dld.bz/Qbz3
We know how much dark energy there is because we know how it affects the Universe's expansion. http://dld.bz/HDrF @SciFri @NYTimesScience
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Stephen talks to Aaron Sorkin in the hall while people hand them stuff. [Stephen Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Philip Freeman: "He was an atheist from childhood." [St. Patrick of Ireland] Saint Patrick's Day Books http://dld.bz/Rm2f
Brian Greene: ".. the word relegates our universe to membership in a large, perhaps.." [The Hidden Reality] Books http://dld.bz/RVp4
Barack Obama: "In the end, I suppose that's what all the stories of my father were really about." [Dreams from My Father] http://dld.bz/N3KY
Beck's End Times prediction is grounded in a controversial prophecy of the Mormon faith. [Tears of a Clown] Books http://dld.bz/QDse
Jonathan Alter says @BarackObama has struggled to connect with the American public, yet he's .. [Daily Show Authors] http://dld.bz/PwcN
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Ian Frazier describes being on a train for 52 hours and never leaving the Russian forest. [#Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Donald Rumsfeld: "..announce that whatever new approach the US decides on, the US is.." [Known and Unknown] Books http://dld.bz/PZBQ
Michio Kaku: "such an antigravity device is impossible given the laws of physics.." [#Physics of the Impossible] Books http://dld.bz/PQUN
Poser: My Life in 23 Yoga Poses: ".. ensure that your house was toxin free, use cloth diapers .." Books Dederer http://dld.bz/Pssq
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Michio Kaku: "such an antigravity device is impossible given the laws of physics.." [#Physics of the Impossible] Books http://dld.bz/PQUN
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The question of whether the Universe itself is flat remains a debatable topic. @NYTimesScience [dark energy] http://dld.bz/HDrF
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Joshua Foer: ".. giving way to a calming sensation, like a nicotine buzz.. " [Moonwalking with Einstein] Drugs Books http://dld.bz/PMKK
Jonathan Alter: ".. what Obama called his "philosophy of persistence" paid off .." [The Promise] Nonfiction Books http://dld.bz/P6DR
Evgeny Morozov: "What if Tunisia's revolution ended up like Iran's?" [The Net Delusion] @Facebook Books http://dld.bz/RfZP
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Neurologist Oliver Sacks has had to learn to adapt to a world that appears to be entirely flat. [@NPRFreshAir Books] http://dld.bz/JgwB
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To understand all of food waste's moral implications.. [Jonathan Bloom: American Wasteland] Nonfiction @AndrewOKnowlton http://dld.bz/K9QG


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Joshua Foer: ".. people have taken amphetamines precisely because they find them inspiring.." [#Moonwalking..] Books http://dld.bz/PMKK
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Harold McGee's book details the science behind cooking techniques. @NYTFood @LATimesFood @CookingChannel http://dld.bz/JgwB
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Dederer: Poser: My Life in 23 Yoga Poses: "Bruce and I were doing our best with the baby." Parenting Books http://dld.bz/Pssq
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Cornel West wants the love to flow so that poor people will have the same dignity as investment bankers [#Colbert Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Nunberg: Emoticons are strings of punctuation marks suggesting a facial expression laid on its side [The Way We Talk Now] http://dld.bz/JgwB
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Dark energy causes the acceleration of the expansion of the Cosmos. http://dld.bz/HDrF @NASA @SciFri @NYTimesScience @WiredScience
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All incarnations of energy with negative pressure are called dark energy. http://dld.bz/HDrF cosmology @SciFri @NYTimesScience @NASA @NSF
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LinkVana is a highly scalable system, and that is a very good thing because our network grows to the tune of 50-100.. http://dld.bz/QjUP
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Rumsfeld replied: "You go to war with the army you have." [Known and Unknown] @OregonGuard http://dld.bz/K9cd
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Rumsfeld replied: "You go to war with the army you have." [Known and Unknown] @BlueStarFamily http://dld.bz/K9cd
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Senator Scott Brown walked Nancy Reagan to her seat last night at the Ronald Reagan.. [Scott Brown: Against All Odds] http://dld.bz/NAtT
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Preston Pysh receives the single highest honor a member of the military can receive... [Stephen Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
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Joshua Foer: ".. people have taken amphetamines precisely because they find them inspiring.." [#Moonwalking..] Books http://dld.bz/PMKK
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Cornel West wants the love to flow so that poor people will have the same dignity as.. [Stephen Colbert Report Books] http://dld.bz/NJXt
Oliver Sacks: 2.5% percent of the population have really severe face blindness. [The Mind's Eye] @WiredScience @SciFri http://dld.bz/JgwB